Yeah, we talked about ponzi schemes on the show… you got us. Kevin returned with an homage to This Week at Texas Tech, his own short-lived but much beloved podcast. We also revamped our intro and streamed the editing process live on Stickam. Miss out on that? Don’t worry, we’ll be making it a thing. For now, sit back and take a bite out of your carbon footprint chocolate bar, it’s BF time!
Tag Archive > religion
Episode 027: It’s Gonna Be a Shaving Thing
Progress is a tricky thing. It doesn’t always go like you think it should. Sometimes the days are Blue and Sunny, sometimes things blow up in your face, and sometimes you just have to put yourself out there and let it happen. What I’m trying to say is, of course, that BF had an AWESOME […]
Episode 025: Squidalien
Fear not, good mortals! Bad Philosophy is not gone. There’s just, y’know, this thing called “college.” Maybe you’ve heard of it? Well, in any case, it tends to take priority over this show (at least for now), and that’s why this episode has taken so long to come out. You’ve probably all seen Watchmen by […]
Episode 014: The Jolly Llama
Once the high subsided, we got the strangest urge: to do an episode on religion. It’s controversial, it’s deep, it’s something we’ve never before… it’s totally BF. Though our microphones refused to comply (again!), we completed the episode successfully (albeit in 16kHz… oops). Open your mind, put your bias aside, and indulge as we tackle one of the biggest questions of all time… “Why be religious?”
Episode 012: Close Enough for Brains in Vats
Technology is a tricky thing. When it works, it’s wonderful, and when it doesn’t… heads explode. For the most part, BF’s first foray into high-tech recording went swimmingly. We did have a couple of complications, but despite having to crowd around a single AKG condenser microphone, our intrepid panel managed to record one of the […]