Tag Archive > Hitler

Episode 132: Of Television

It’s a nice day to start again, folks. The end of January marked the beginning of the first Coursera MOOC purely focused on the venerable phield of philosophy. In this first application of the first week of material (what I meant but forgot to call “Coursera Diaries Part I”), Kevin and I test out Dave Ward’s […]

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Episode 094: Justice on Trial

To quote a tired but relevant saying, we like to believe that “our courts are the great levelers.” They exist to ensure that criminals be punished, that the innocent are heard, that justice be done for one and all. But every once in a while someone goes through our courts and gets away with murder. […]

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Episode 090: Squeezetravaganza

So in case you hadn’t heard, a few weeks ago we shot some guy in the eye and dumped him in the ocean, then cheered exuberantly about it for a few days. With this hefty moral conundrum we began our first ever all-Formsqueeze episode, answering a slew of YOUR questions from our Formspring account.We covered […]

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Episode 014: The Jolly Llama

Once the high subsided, we got the strangest urge: to do an episode on religion. It’s controversial, it’s deep, it’s something we’ve never before… it’s totally BF. Though our microphones refused to comply (again!), we completed the episode successfully (albeit in 16kHz… oops). Open your mind, put your bias aside, and indulge as we tackle one of the biggest questions of all time… “Why be religious?”

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