Tag Archive > fear

Episode 052: A Fictional Pair of Ducks

Have you ever been sitting in a horror movie and right after that moment when the bad guy leaps out and you spring about four inches off your seat, turned to yourself and gone “Why did I do that? I know this isn’t real.” If so, then you’ve most definitely experienced the Paradox of Fiction. […]

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Episode 030: It’s a Ponzi Scheme

Yeah, we talked about ponzi schemes on the show… you got us. Kevin returned with an homage to This Week at Texas Tech, his own short-lived but much beloved podcast. We also revamped our intro and streamed the editing process live on Stickam. Miss out on that? Don’t worry, we’ll be making it a thing. For now, sit back and take a bite out of your carbon footprint chocolate bar, it’s BF time!

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Episode 010: What a Bunch of Halloweenies

Back from the dead (or so you thought!), BF is coming at you with our long-overdue ultra-cliche excessively-hyphenated Halloween episode! Our panel of friendly ghosts, including Lost Episode veteran Michael Hayslip and first-time guest but long-time #1 fan Jediah Cummins, takes a spooky ride through the cultural, historical, and religious facets of the holiday. But […]

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