08 October 2012
By StephenTorrence
In Podcast
Kevin and Stephen expected something very different out of Looper, but liked what they got… kind of. Hooray time travel stories!
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advertising, Brave, Bruce Willis, Daikatana, deconstruction, Django Unchained, ethics, film, Hayden Christianson, Hollywood, Hustle, Inception, Joseph Gordon-Levitt, Jumper, Kevin, Kickstarter, Looper, Lord of the Rings, marketing, Mars Trilogy, Michael Bay, morality, movies, neo noir, Peter Jackson, post-structuralism, Quentin Tarantino, Rian Johnson, Sense 8, Stephen, telekinesis, The Avengers, The Hobbit, The Moon is a Harsh Mistress, The Muppets, The Vault, The Wachowskis, time travel, transgender
14 September 2012
By StephenTorrence
In Podcast
Newcomer Adam Easterling joins Britton, Kevin, and Stephen on a leap of faith into the philosophy of Braid and many other video games.
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Achron, Adam, Braid, Brink, Britton, Citizen Kane, Commander Kean, Dallas Morning News, Dark Souls, economics, film noir, game design, Gamespot, Guild Wars 2, heaven and hell, Humble Bundle, indie games, InfoCom, Jazz Jackrabbit, Johann Sebastian Joust, John Carmack, Jonathan Blow, Joystiq, Just Cause 2, Kevin, LiMBO, Megaman, Memento, Myst, Mystery Men, Narbacular Drop, Ninja Gaiden, Papa y Yo, plants vs zombies, PlayStation Move, Portal, Prince of Persia, Project Greenlight, QuakeCon, Quantum Conundrum, Retro Computing Roundtable, Riven, SimCity 2000, Skyrim, Spec Ops: The Line, Steam, Stephen, storytelling, Super Mario 3D Land, Tag, The Sixth Sense, The Walking Dead, time, Uncharted, University of Texas, video games, Wolfenstein, Zork
30 July 2012
By StephenTorrence
In Podcast
New guest Bryson Rushing joins Kevin, Stephen, and John Elliott to debate the nature of science, the Higgs Boson, and avian progressive rock bands.
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ATLAS, beer, Big Bang, black holes, Brick, Bryson, Buddha, causation, CERN, CMS, correlation, DARPA, Eagle Scout, Einstein, faith, geocentrism, heliocentrism, Higgs Boson, idealism, Inception, induction, internal consistency, John Elliott, Kevin, Large Hadron Collider, LHC, Looper, NeXT, Pascal's Wager, physics, post-structuralism, probability, religion, Russell's Teapot, science, scientific method, Standard Model, statistics, Stephen, structuralism, Texas Tech University, The Internet, The Matrix, Tim Berners-Lee, Tycho Brahe, World Wide Web
11 June 2012
By StephenTorrence
In Podcast
The future is a funny thing. We’ve talked on the show before about the many theories that abound about how we’ll evolve as a species and a society. Especially since the introduction of Google Glasses the future (or a future) feels closer than ever. This episode Kevin and I discuss the many ways that a continuous, […]
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Aaron Franklin, advertising, Android, Anthony Bourdain, art, Atari, car names, cell phones, computers, Deep Space Nine, droid, Franklin Barbecue, gift economy, Google, Google Glasses, guilt, IBM, identity, journalism, Kevin, Motorola, No Reservations, Oscars, PC, perception, Personal Computer, post-structuralism, Project Glass, RAZR, Ready Player One, Rudy Rucker, singularity, social networking, society, Stephen, Texas Instruments, Zoolander
13 May 2012
By StephenTorrence
In Podcast
Newcomer and musician John Elliott joins Kevin and Stephen to dive into postmodern music, tubas, and Skrillex.
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Bach, band, Beethoven, dub step, John Cage, John Elliott, Kevin, music, music theory, Phillip Glass, Rap, Skrillex, Stephen, tuba, Wagner, William Shatner, William Westney