We’re in a crisis today, peeps. Healthcare in the United States is whack, and everybody’s got a plan to fix it. We may not be Obama’s advisory board, but we’ll be darned if BF is gonna sit on the sidelines for this most relevant of issues. Numero Uno fanboy Jediah Cummins joined us for his first appearance alongside Matt Legler (and LO, the universe did NOT explode!). We had our crazy awesome microphone setup going once again, so hold onto your W2 form, strap on a heart monitor, and take a speed-of-light tour on the healthcare freeway – BF style!
Tag Archive > American Sign Language
Episode 019: OreoBama
We’ve got ourselves a new president in these grand United States of America, and in celebration of that common knowledge we dedicated this BF to discussing… pretty much anything except that. Jessica Story joined us for the first time, bringing a flare of femininity to the show in a shameless attempt to lure in the other 51% of the world’s population. But demographics be damned! We had rabbit trails to follow, cookies to chew, and Rubik’s cubes to solve… all in a high-quality multi-track audio extravaganza. You thought we could never get more BF? Well I’ve got news for you: Yes we can. And… we did…
Episode 013: Big in Scandinavia
This week we convened over Skype to discuss the American shopping ritual known as Black Friday, as well as a healthy dose of memetics and other such jazz. We apologize for the audio quality (I mean… it is Skype after all), but we did manage to give you the treat of hearing our voices in stereo for the first time ever. We promise to get back on civilized audio hardware for the next episode. Grin and bear with us, we actually had some good stuff to say…