Tag Archive > radio

Episode 129: Poddly-Woddly

Is Doctor Who a religion? Kevin and Stephen respond to Idea Channel and ruminate on Facebook, memory and identity

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Episode 102: A.I. Troopers

For the last century or so, we have had a healthy little obsession with replicating the human ability to reason using machines. We here at BF are happy to announce that these efforts have finally brought us the holy grail of artificial intelligence: robot radio DJs! That’s right, now you can enjoy all your favorite […]

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Episode 077: The Untimely Death of Stephen

Imagine having an army of workers ready to do your bidding, no matter how menial and trivial, as long as you pay them some semblance of a decent wage. That’s Amazon Mechanical Turk in a nutshell, with which people are doing strange and wonderful things. To discuss this and other randomness, we had the pleasure […]

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Episode 061: Newspaper Zombies

When was the last time you read a newspaper? Oh… you’re reading one now. Well um… I guess I’ll just let you finish then. No, it’s cool, take your time. … Done? Okay, awesome. So… wow, this is a bit awkward. Our topic this week is actually the “death” of newspapers, which probably sounds a […]

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Episode 050: Includes Teeth

Can you believe it? Fifty episodes! FIVE OH! Well… that is if you sorta count Episode Zero, don’t count the Lost Episode, count Episode 21b as Episode 21, count Episode 42b as Episode 42, count Episodes 46 and 49 even though they’re video only and… aw, screw it, just humor us, okay? So in homage […]

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