Have you ever actually rubbed elbows with a celebrity? Everyone talks about doing that, but seriously, have you ever actually gone up to a star and asked “can I rub my elbow against your elbow?” Hmm… Well, in any case, we got to do something akin to that this past weekend at the Bigg Digg […]
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Episode 025: Squidalien
Fear not, good mortals! Bad Philosophy is not gone. There’s just, y’know, this thing called “college.” Maybe you’ve heard of it? Well, in any case, it tends to take priority over this show (at least for now), and that’s why this episode has taken so long to come out. You’ve probably all seen Watchmen by […]
Episode 022: Baldwin Bonanza
Title psych! In this episode we actually focused on the man, the myth, the legend himself, Mr. Joss Whedon, and all his crazy nephews (shows). Despite last-minute panelist panic, we successfully procured Jed and Michael and had a Baldwin blast of a time. So brush up on your Mandarin, grab a wooden stake, and set […]
Episode 021b: Guerrilla Fascism
Stay calm. You’re not imagining things. That “b” is real, and we have a good explanation for it… sort of. As you well know, we here at Bad Philosophy have had our [some might say disproportionate] share of unsavory experiences with audio equipment. Trying new things tends to get us in trouble, and well… we […]
Episode 019: OreoBama
We’ve got ourselves a new president in these grand United States of America, and in celebration of that common knowledge we dedicated this BF to discussing… pretty much anything except that. Jessica Story joined us for the first time, bringing a flare of femininity to the show in a shameless attempt to lure in the other 51% of the world’s population. But demographics be damned! We had rabbit trails to follow, cookies to chew, and Rubik’s cubes to solve… all in a high-quality multi-track audio extravaganza. You thought we could never get more BF? Well I’ve got news for you: Yes we can. And… we did…