Tag Archive > SXSW

Episode 134: Hats Off

First off, let’s acknowledge a tragedy. We lost Episode 133, folks. It joins the likes of Episodes 7, 21, 42, 49, 87, and 127 in the oblivion of BF content that has never seen the light of day due to unfortunate technical glitches. If you’re curious, we had our good friend Nicholas Bergfeld on to […]

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Episode 086: Reeks of Humanity

In case you haven’t heard, Charlie Sheen has been #WINNING lately. Or so he claims, at least. For some people, “winning” is banging 7-gram rocks with porn stars in a hotel room. For others, it’s resurrecting an ancient brand with crazy new products through the power of pop music. For us on BF, it’s getting […]

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Episode 077: The Untimely Death of Stephen

Imagine having an army of workers ready to do your bidding, no matter how menial and trivial, as long as you pay them some semblance of a decent wage. That’s Amazon Mechanical Turk in a nutshell, with which people are doing strange and wonderful things. To discuss this and other randomness, we had the pleasure […]

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Episode 074: Trabbit Rails

Aaaaaand, we’re back! For those of y’all who were keeping track, our 2-year anniversary was last month. That means BF has been around for… well… yeah, you can do the math. ANYWHO. Kevin and Kiki joined me to discuss brain damage, Neal Stephenson’s writing experiment, and a little ol’ movie about Facebook. No news stories this […]

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Episode 061: Newspaper Zombies

When was the last time you read a newspaper? Oh… you’re reading one now. Well um… I guess I’ll just let you finish then. No, it’s cool, take your time. … Done? Okay, awesome. So… wow, this is a bit awkward. Our topic this week is actually the “death” of newspapers, which probably sounds a […]

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