05 December 2011
By StephenTorrence
In Podcast
Community has gone on hiatus! This episode Stephen gushes on its brilliance and Kevin schools him about the TV industry.
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30 Rock, ABC, American Family, American Idol, Andre the Giant, Arrested Development, Austin Powers, beer, Bosom Buddies, broadcasting, Buffy the Vampire Slayer, CBS, Community, corporations, Dollhouse, Eddy Izzard, FOX, Freaks and Geeks, house of cards, How I Met Your Mother, James Spader, Kev Hamm, Kevin, Kevin Sorbo, Kevin Spacey, Martin Scorsese, Michael Williams, NBC, Neil Stephenson, Neilsen Ratings, Netflix, Parks and Rec, Party Down, Pretty in Pink, Pulp Fiction, Ron Howard, Shiner, Shutter Island, Slashfilm, Snow Crash, Stephen, structural dramaturgy, The Office, The Simpsons, The Voice, The Wire, Til Death, Tom Hanks, TV, Veronica Mars, Wallace Shawn, Whitney, Will Smith, work, Work It
17 November 2011
By StephenTorrence
In Podcast
Kevin, Stephen, and Jacie discuss Stephen’s new YouTube direction and the video community in general.
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A Very Potter Musical, anthropology, Ashton Kutcher, ASL, Beyond Viral, Blue Moon, Community, Cory Williams, Cyber Bullying, DailyMotion, ethnography, Glee, Google, Halloween, Halo, Jacie, Jamie Lee Curtis, Jomama Jones, Kevin, Kevin Nalty, Kevin Smith, Master Pancake, Mike Wesch, Miller High Life, Neil Simon, nerdfighteria, performance, Philip DeFranco, Project for Awesome, Red State, Seinfeld, songsigning, Starkid, Stephen, Stephen King, theatre, True Lies, Tyler Perry, Vimeo, Vlog Brothers, YouTube
07 November 2011
By StephenTorrence
In Podcast
Stephen returns to Texas Tech to analyze hipsters and counter-culture with Shawn, Matt, and Bryan.
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Amazon, Amazon Prime, Angry Birds, AOL, Apple, Arcade Fire, babies, Bryan M, Canada, Carl Young, Cars, Chipotle, counter-culture, Digital Media Studio, Dreamwidth, emo, Facebook, Ford, Foursquare, Freebirds, Google, HEB, hipsters, iPhone, iPod, iRiver H10, Kent Hance, Kia, King Supers, Kroger, Last.fm, LinkedIn, LiveJournal, maple syrup, Matt, memes, meta, Microsoft, music, pancakes, Predictably Irrational, retro, Risk, Sanyo, Saturn, sex, Shawn, Stephen, Texas Tech University, The Atlantic, The Decemberists, The Internet, Twitter, Wal-Mart, Whole Foods, Windows, Zune
01 November 2011
By StephenTorrence
In Podcast
Kevin and Stephen critique the nature of work from first principles and rip capitalism a new one.
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benefits, Boing Boing, Bureau of Labor Statistics, bureaucracy, capitalism, Cillian Murphy, communism, corporations, corporatism, economics, education, employment, gift economy, health insurance, Hyperbole and a Half, illegal immigration, Jerry Pournelle, Joel Olsteen, Joshua Glenn, Kevin, love, MacBeth, Mark Kingwell, Marxism, migrant work, minimum wage, neo-Marxism, personal identity, price fixing, Reading Rainbow, religion, slavery, Stephen, stock options, Tales of the Golden Clipper, teachers, telepathy, Texas Roller Derby, theatre, trust, TSA, United States, value, wage slavery, wages, work
09 October 2011
By StephenTorrence
In Podcast
The human race lost one of its finest this past Wednesday, as Steve Jobs passed away at the age of 56. All of us here at BF had opinions to share on the man in the black turtleneck, so Kevin, Jed, Simon, KikiĀ and I gathered together for our first live-streamed episode in quite some time. […]
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Apple, Bill Gates, computers, DOS, IBM, iMac, iPhone, iPod, iWebcamera, Jediah, John Lassater, Kevin, Kiki, Linus Torvalds, Linux, Live, Macintosh, Newton, Pabst Blue Ribbon, PC, Pirates of Silicon Valley, Pixar, Simon, Stephen, Steve Jobs, Steve Wozniak, This Week in Tech, Thomas Edison, TWiT, Twitter, UNIX, Xeni Jardin