Tag Archive > personal identity

Episode 106: Accident Alley

Kevin and Stephen critique the nature of work from first principles and rip capitalism a new one.

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Episode 082: Saunders on Saunders

Imagine if falling in love was as easy as taking a pill. Scary? Exciting? Kind of rad? Well, to make up for the distinct lack of anything resembling actual philosophy last week, we decided to delve straight into this and other hardcore questions, courtesy of George Saunders and his recent short story in The New […]

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Episode 018: How Long for Copywrong?

It’s here, people! We’re inching our way ever closer to becoming bona fide, honest to goodness procasters. We’re back in the DMS and managed to rig up their spiffy, expensive microphones into the best audio configuration we’ve had yet. Julie Meadows joins us this episode for a finagled foray into copyright, Mickey Mouse, and sneezing… among many other decidedly BF things. So pull up an ideal chair and get ready for the audio bliss that is Episode 18…

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