Imagine yourself in a movie theater. It is the only place you’ve ever known. The smell of popcorn, the sticky floors, and of course the endless projected movies on the screen are your reality. What would you believe about “the real world” if this was all you knew? Would you even believe there was one […]
Tag Archive > mathematics
Episode 040: Meta-Mathic Smackdown
In a world, divided by history, separate but equal, teetering on the brink of the cosmos, one podcast dares to defy the axioms and go where no podcast has gone bef… well you get the idea. This week we’re talking Anathem! Neal Stephenson’s latest work of spec-fic awesomery is ripe with headiness, so we decided to bring on couple of powerhouses in the brain department. Former-KTXT and current Llano Idea DJ Benjamin Brown returns to duke it out in a literary smackdown for the ages with veteran Bad Philosopher and aspiring YouTube reviewer Kevin Saunders. If this were a book, it’d be a genuine page-turner. But you read with your ears, right? Of course you do. So have a listen…
Episode 039: What’s the Right Thing Again?
Ethics is a tricky subject. For some, it’s subjective; anything goes. For others, it can be quite objective; right and wrong can be determined. Here at Texas Tech, ethics has become a full-blown initiative, though perhaps not as full-blown as some would like. Joining us to shine some light on the subject from the inside […]
Episode 035: Intellectual Hedonism
Why are we here? What’s this all about? What is my purpose? What is yours? Is there even one at all? These are easy questions to ask, but answering them is a whole different story. Wolfram Alpha has one idea. We’ve got some others.
Episode 030: It’s a Ponzi Scheme
Yeah, we talked about ponzi schemes on the show… you got us. Kevin returned with an homage to This Week at Texas Tech, his own short-lived but much beloved podcast. We also revamped our intro and streamed the editing process live on Stickam. Miss out on that? Don’t worry, we’ll be making it a thing. For now, sit back and take a bite out of your carbon footprint chocolate bar, it’s BF time!