07 November 2011
By StephenTorrence
In Podcast
Stephen returns to Texas Tech to analyze hipsters and counter-culture with Shawn, Matt, and Bryan.
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Amazon, Amazon Prime, Angry Birds, AOL, Apple, Arcade Fire, babies, Bryan M, Canada, Carl Young, Cars, Chipotle, counter-culture, Digital Media Studio, Dreamwidth, emo, Facebook, Ford, Foursquare, Freebirds, Google, HEB, hipsters, iPhone, iPod, iRiver H10, Kent Hance, Kia, King Supers, Kroger, Last.fm, LinkedIn, LiveJournal, maple syrup, Matt, memes, meta, Microsoft, music, pancakes, Predictably Irrational, retro, Risk, Sanyo, Saturn, sex, Shawn, Stephen, Texas Tech University, The Atlantic, The Decemberists, The Internet, Twitter, Wal-Mart, Whole Foods, Windows, Zune
02 September 2011
By StephenTorrence
In Podcast
Kevin, Kiki, and Stephen go totally random, rabbit-trailing off wacky phrases in the final double-digit BF.
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Abercrombie & Fitch, Bruce Willis, Cake, Cars, Christina Ricci, Clint Eastwood, Colt Jackson, consciousness, death, Dethklok, Dexter, Disney, education, Foursquare, heaven, Internet regulation, Islam, Jason Statham, Jersey Shore, Jet Li, Kenny vs. Spenny, Kevin, Kiki, Kurt Vonnegut, Las Vegas, Law and Order, Lolita, Lucha Libre, Miss Piggy, Mole Day, Monkey Shines, moving, Nacho Libre, Now And Then, Of Montreal, Owen Wilson, PatrĂ³n, Pi Day, porn, random phrase, repo men, Rocky Horror Picture Show, Slaughterhouse 5, Star Trek, steampunk, Stephen, Talking Heads, Tenacious D, Texas Tech University, The Beatles, The Crash Test Dummies, The Enforcer, The Jonas Brothers, The Killers, The Sex Pistols, The Who, The Wire, Tiny Tower, Torchwood, Ty Pennington, vampires, Windham Hill, Woot!, World War II
08 November 2010
By StephenTorrence
In Podcast
Imagine having an army of workers ready to do your bidding, no matter how menial and trivial, as long as you pay them some semblance of a decent wage. That’s Amazon Mechanical Turk in a nutshell, with which people are doing strange and wonderful things. To discuss this and other randomness, we had the pleasure […]
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Amazon, CastingWords, Clear Channel, conferences, crowdsourcing, Dinosaur Comics, Facebook, Foursquare, GetGlue, GI Joe, Glenn Beck, Gowalla, Kevin, LEGOs, location, Machine of Death, Mechanical Turk, Paul Newman, questions, radio, Rally to Restore Sanity and/or Fear, Randall Monroe, SDCC, Simon, social media, Stephen, SXSW, Texas Tech University, Venn Diagrams
19 May 2010
By StephenTorrence
In Podcast
Oh my… *cough* …wow, I had no idea dust built up that quickly …on the Internet. ANYWHO. We’re back, yes indeed. And we brought along a classic F-isode just for y’all! Yeah it may be last week’s news, but apparently Iron Man 2 dropped in theaters. Oh, and apparently Stephen Hawking said something about aliens. […]
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Adam Savage, aliens, Angry Birds, Ant Man, ASL, Captain America, Chicago, collecting, comic books, comics, Edgar Wright, flamethrowers, Foursquare, iPad, Iron Man 2, Jediah, Joss Whedon, Kevin, Kiki, Kindle, location, Matt, Mormonism, MST3K, plants vs zombies, Pythagorean Theorem, relationships, Rifftrax, Samuel L. Jackson, Starbucks, Stephen, Stephen Hawking, The Avengers, time travel, Twilight, Unskippable, vampires, YouTube, zombies
16 April 2010
By StephenTorrence
In Podcast
Every once in a while we here at BF like to have a gratuitously self-indulgent show that focuses purely on our own half-baked accomplishments and personal history. This time it was all about the K-man, mister Kevin Saunders himself. We had live Skype callers on the show once again, talked a little history, and answered […]
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Bad Astronomy, Canada, census, Dollhouse, education, Foursquare, Freebirds, genealogy, high school, history, Jackass, Jonathan Coulton, Kevin, Large Hadron Collider, Lubbock, Lubbock Tweetup, physics, questions, Stephen, Texas Tech University, theatre, time travel, Twitter