26 March 2012
By StephenTorrence
In Podcast
Stephen, Kevin, Kiki, and new guest Matt Epperson examine whether chaos-inducing “jokers” are a fundamental reason why society works. Science thinks so. Do you?
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9-11, AirBnb, Alan Moore, anarchy, autopsies, Bass Pro Shop, Batman, Bernie Madoff, Code for America, collective action, comics, crime, eBay, ethics, financial services, free market, French Revolution, game theory, Getaround, government, ion, iTunes U, Joker, Kevin, Kiki, lighthouses, Lloyd Blankfein, mafia, Matt E, Mitt Romney, Nash Equilibrium, NPR, Planet Money, PRI, Prisoners' Dilemma, publics goods, rational anarchy, social engineering, Stephen, Steven Levitt, superheroes, taxes, Texas Tech University, The Dark Knight, The Killing Joke, The Price is Right, thermodynamics, This American Life, Tragedy of the Commons, Watchmen
30 December 2011
By StephenTorrence
In Podcast
One of BF’s largest panels ever dives into the moral choices in contemporary video games like The Old Republic and Skyrim.
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2012 Election, 2012 Olympics, Aaron Sorkin, Arrested Development, beer pong, Beyond Good and Evil, Blackberry, Britton, consequentialism, darts, debate, deontology, dreidel, ethics, Fatal Frame, GameBoy, games, golf, Humble Bundle, Jedi, Joss Whedon, Kevin, Kiki, Kindle, Knights of the Old Republic, KOTOR, Laughing Squid, law, Major League Dreidel, masturbation, Microsoft, Mists of Pandaria, MMORPG, morality, Pokemon, Pokemon Snap, Quidditch, racism, Runescape, Simon, Sith, Skyrim, soccer, sports, Sports Night, Star Wars, Star Wars: The Old Republic, Stephen, storytelling, video games, witches, World of Warcraft, WoW
09 October 2011
By StephenTorrence
In Podcast
The human race lost one of its finest this past Wednesday, as Steve Jobs passed away at the age of 56. All of us here at BF had opinions to share on the man in the black turtleneck, so Kevin, Jed, Simon, KikiĀ and I gathered together for our first live-streamed episode in quite some time. […]
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Apple, Bill Gates, computers, DOS, IBM, iMac, iPhone, iPod, iWebcamera, Jediah, John Lassater, Kevin, Kiki, Linus Torvalds, Linux, Live, Macintosh, Newton, Pabst Blue Ribbon, PC, Pirates of Silicon Valley, Pixar, Simon, Stephen, Steve Jobs, Steve Wozniak, This Week in Tech, Thomas Edison, TWiT, Twitter, UNIX, Xeni Jardin
06 October 2011
By StephenTorrence
In Podcast
Backwards thinking is the name of the game this week as Kevin, Kiki and Stephen dive into the religious symbology of Hollywood.
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ASL, Boing Boing, Christianity, Dan Savage, Dolly Parton, Dune, Epic of Gilgamesh, Fred Figglehorn, Gladiator, God, Harry Potter, ion, Joan of Arc, Jonathan Coulton, Kevin, Kiki, Logan's Run, love, MST3K, Mystery Science Theater 3000, mythology, Penn and Teller, pie, religion, Rocky Horror Picture Show, Rome, Soylent Green, spoilers, Stanley Kubrick, Stephen, symbology, The Island, theology, World of Warcraft
29 September 2011
By StephenTorrence
In Podcast
For the last century or so, we have had a healthy little obsession with replicating the human ability to reason using machines. We here at BF are happy to announce that these efforts have finally brought us the holy grail of artificial intelligence: robot radio DJs! That’s right, now you can enjoy all your favorite […]
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AI, Artificial Heart, artificial intelligence, brain, Clear Channel, CleverBot, cognitive computing, computers, dinosaurs, Flowers for Algernon, football, fossil fuels, Ghost in the Shell, Google Wave, IBM, immortality, Japan, Jeopardy!, John Stuart Mill, Jonathan Coulton, Kant, Kevin, Kiki, Lawnmower Man, Levar Burton, Machine Girl, Machine Man, Magic School Bus, memristor, Michael Crichton, neurobiology, neurology, neuroscience, Peter F. Hamilton, Power Rangers, radio, Reddit, Richard Hatch, robots, Simon, singularity, soul, Stanford, Stephen, Stephen King, Survivor, UTSA, velociraptor, VR Troopers, Watson