When was the last time you read a newspaper? Oh… you’re reading one now. Well um… I guess I’ll just let you finish then. No, it’s cool, take your time. … Done? Okay, awesome. So… wow, this is a bit awkward. Our topic this week is actually the “death” of newspapers, which probably sounds a […]
Tag Archive > blogging
Episode 050: Includes Teeth
Can you believe it? Fifty episodes! FIVE OH! Well… that is if you sorta count Episode Zero, don’t count the Lost Episode, count Episode 21b as Episode 21, count Episode 42b as Episode 42, count Episodes 46 and 49 even though they’re video only and… aw, screw it, just humor us, okay? So in homage […]
Episode 019: OreoBama
We’ve got ourselves a new president in these grand United States of America, and in celebration of that common knowledge we dedicated this BF to discussing… pretty much anything except that. Jessica Story joined us for the first time, bringing a flare of femininity to the show in a shameless attempt to lure in the other 51% of the world’s population. But demographics be damned! We had rabbit trails to follow, cookies to chew, and Rubik’s cubes to solve… all in a high-quality multi-track audio extravaganza. You thought we could never get more BF? Well I’ve got news for you: Yes we can. And… we did…
Episode 006: Metanoids
We’ve started it people, we really have. This time we had no idea what to talk about, so we took what is arguably the first step in the typical death throe sequence of serial entertainment: the Behind-the-Scenes Show (*collective gasp!*). Before you know it we’ll be doing the Blooper Show, followed by the Old-Cast-Member Show, […]