What do Warhammer, Ayn Rand, and Westerns have in common? Darned if we know. Ben Brown joins us on this episode as we dive into the realm of speculative fiction, sci-fi, and modifying the human body/mind with technology… among other things. Apologies about the awfuller-than-usual sound quality. We tried to use a bunch of different […]
Archive > 2008
Episode 003: What Would Hitler Choose?
After a rather significant rain delay, the wild of musings of the Bad Philosophers are back. With the healthy addition of founding member Eric Beutlich, we went on a rockin’ roller coaster ride that kicked off with some pondering about free will, meandered around to the homogenization of modern society, and even weathered an unfortunate […]
Episode 002: The Fertility of Penguins
Unbeknownst to our listeners, we intrepid Bad Philosophers have taken a sudden interest in the mating habits of sphenisciformes. Gone are the days of Descartes and neuroscience. Henceforth, we shall devote all our time and energy to covering in laborious detail the intricacies of hot, feathery, penguin sex. In all seriousness though, we actually just […]
Episode 001: Hello EveryWelcome
Beyond all odds, lightning has struck twice, and the first “official” episode BF is here. Matt, David, and Stephen discuss Stephen’s article in the campus newspaper, spawning a deep, meandering, extravagantly philosophical discussion on neuropsychology, artificial intelligence, and the possibility of a robot future. Join us for a journey deep into the mind, if you […]
Episode Zero: MyJority Rules
Every once in a blue moon, the stars align, the burritos are just *that* good, and the right people come together in just the right mindset to make magic happen. Such was it this past Monday, when the Bad Philosophers spewed forth our “first” bit of genius upon a darkening Earth. In layman’s terms: Episode […]