Title psych! In this episode we actually focused on the man, the myth, the legend himself, Mr. Joss Whedon, and all his crazy nephews (shows). Despite last-minute panelist panic, we successfully procured Jed and Michael and had a Baldwin blast of a time. So brush up on your Mandarin, grab a wooden stake, and set […]
Tag Archive > Wikipedia
Episode 021b: Guerrilla Fascism
Stay calm. You’re not imagining things. That “b” is real, and we have a good explanation for it… sort of. As you well know, we here at Bad Philosophy have had our [some might say disproportionate] share of unsavory experiences with audio equipment. Trying new things tends to get us in trouble, and well… we […]
Episode 008: Microwave THIS
A friend of a friend told me that if you listen to Bad Philosophy on a Microsoft Zune while preparing a Hot Pocket, the microwaves resonate with the current in the headphone wires and cause your ears to secrete Jello! Really … this totally happens … … Okay, you caught us. It’s a pure urban […]