08 October 2012
By StephenTorrence
In Podcast
Kevin and Stephen expected something very different out of Looper, but liked what they got… kind of. Hooray time travel stories!
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advertising, Brave, Bruce Willis, Daikatana, deconstruction, Django Unchained, ethics, film, Hayden Christianson, Hollywood, Hustle, Inception, Joseph Gordon-Levitt, Jumper, Kevin, Kickstarter, Looper, Lord of the Rings, marketing, Mars Trilogy, Michael Bay, morality, movies, neo noir, Peter Jackson, post-structuralism, Quentin Tarantino, Rian Johnson, Sense 8, Stephen, telekinesis, The Avengers, The Hobbit, The Moon is a Harsh Mistress, The Muppets, The Vault, The Wachowskis, time travel, transgender
26 May 2010
By StephenTorrence
In Podcast
Tragedy struck the podcast this past week. As Kevin Saunders departed for his trip to Prague, the plane encountered unusually heavy turbulance over a remote region of the South Pacific (why the pilot was flying over the Pacific to get to Eastern Europe is perhaps an even greater mystery). Kevin’s plane and all aboard crash […]
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Babylon 5, Bonanza, Britton, Christianity, Chronicles of Narnia, Cloverfield, Daily Toreador, David Hume, Dharma Initiative, dreams, Fringe, good and evil, Harry Potter, heaven, hell, Hinduism, Jimmy Kimmel, John Locke, Kevin, LOST, purgatory, reality, religion, religious pluralism, samaras, Stephen, the Force, The Sixth Sense, time travel, TV Tropes, Twitter, Voyager, writing
19 May 2010
By StephenTorrence
In Podcast
Oh my… *cough* …wow, I had no idea dust built up that quickly …on the Internet. ANYWHO. We’re back, yes indeed. And we brought along a classic F-isode just for y’all! Yeah it may be last week’s news, but apparently Iron Man 2 dropped in theaters. Oh, and apparently Stephen Hawking said something about aliens. […]
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Adam Savage, aliens, Angry Birds, Ant Man, ASL, Captain America, Chicago, collecting, comic books, comics, Edgar Wright, flamethrowers, Foursquare, iPad, Iron Man 2, Jediah, Joss Whedon, Kevin, Kiki, Kindle, location, Matt, Mormonism, MST3K, plants vs zombies, Pythagorean Theorem, relationships, Rifftrax, Samuel L. Jackson, Starbucks, Stephen, Stephen Hawking, The Avengers, time travel, Twilight, Unskippable, vampires, YouTube, zombies
16 April 2010
By StephenTorrence
In Podcast
Every once in a while we here at BF like to have a gratuitously self-indulgent show that focuses purely on our own half-baked accomplishments and personal history. This time it was all about the K-man, mister Kevin Saunders himself. We had live Skype callers on the show once again, talked a little history, and answered […]
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Bad Astronomy, Canada, census, Dollhouse, education, Foursquare, Freebirds, genealogy, high school, history, Jackass, Jonathan Coulton, Kevin, Large Hadron Collider, Lubbock, Lubbock Tweetup, physics, questions, Stephen, Texas Tech University, theatre, time travel, Twitter
28 January 2010
By StephenTorrence
In Podcast
Quick! There’s an asteroid barreling toward your corner of the earth and you have no chance of escape. The world as you know it ends in 4 hours. What do you do?! Listen to the latest BF, that’s what! On this show we tackled that ever-present subject of the apocalypse. Kevin Saunders joined me alongside […]
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2010: The Year We Make Contact, 2012, afterlife, apocalypse, Avatar, crazy glue, death, dinosaurs, disaster porn, Dollhouse, Firefly, Forever is Not So Long, freedom, Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, Jediah, Kevin, Large Hadron Collider, mobius strip, prophecy, retr0brite, science fiction, Serenity, SkyNet, Stephen, survival, Syfy, The Happening, The Moon, The Time Machine, time travel, Tremors, Waterworld