14 September 2012
By StephenTorrence
In Podcast
Newcomer Adam Easterling joins Britton, Kevin, and Stephen on a leap of faith into the philosophy of Braid and many other video games.
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Achron, Adam, Braid, Brink, Britton, Citizen Kane, Commander Kean, Dallas Morning News, Dark Souls, economics, film noir, game design, Gamespot, Guild Wars 2, heaven and hell, Humble Bundle, indie games, InfoCom, Jazz Jackrabbit, Johann Sebastian Joust, John Carmack, Jonathan Blow, Joystiq, Just Cause 2, Kevin, LiMBO, Megaman, Memento, Myst, Mystery Men, Narbacular Drop, Ninja Gaiden, Papa y Yo, plants vs zombies, PlayStation Move, Portal, Prince of Persia, Project Greenlight, QuakeCon, Quantum Conundrum, Retro Computing Roundtable, Riven, SimCity 2000, Skyrim, Spec Ops: The Line, Steam, Stephen, storytelling, Super Mario 3D Land, Tag, The Sixth Sense, The Walking Dead, time, Uncharted, University of Texas, video games, Wolfenstein, Zork
30 July 2010
By StephenTorrence
In Podcast
Recently the wild and brilliant imagination of Christopher Nolan brought forth a true gem of a movie, Inception. It’s been making good money and getting rave reviews all around, and for good reason. It’s a heady and philosophical and hence right up our rabbit trail. This time Kevin Saunders and Kiki Canon joined me to […]
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Alamo Drafthouse, allegory of the cave, Batman Begins, Brick, CGI, Christopher Nolan, consequentialism, David Fincher, dreams, emotion, epistemology, Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, ethics, Fight Club, Groundhog Day, happiness, Hollywood, ideas, Inception, Insomnia, Joseph Gordon-Levitt, Kevin, Kiki, Leonardo DiCaprio, LOST, lucid dreams, M. Night Shyamalan, Memento, movie pickles, movies, perception, phenomenology, Plato, reality, Rifftrax, Spiderman, Stephen, The Dark Knight, The Matrix, The Prestige, The Sixth Sense, The Social Network, US Postal Service, zombies, zombocalypse
26 May 2010
By StephenTorrence
In Podcast
Tragedy struck the podcast this past week. As Kevin Saunders departed for his trip to Prague, the plane encountered unusually heavy turbulance over a remote region of the South Pacific (why the pilot was flying over the Pacific to get to Eastern Europe is perhaps an even greater mystery). Kevin’s plane and all aboard crash […]
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Babylon 5, Bonanza, Britton, Christianity, Chronicles of Narnia, Cloverfield, Daily Toreador, David Hume, Dharma Initiative, dreams, Fringe, good and evil, Harry Potter, heaven, hell, Hinduism, Jimmy Kimmel, John Locke, Kevin, LOST, purgatory, reality, religion, religious pluralism, samaras, Stephen, the Force, The Sixth Sense, time travel, TV Tropes, Twitter, Voyager, writing