Kevin challenges RadioLab’s aversion to exploring the issue of truth itself in a rare installment of the Weekly Why.
Tag Archive > Stephen
Episode 131: Cheating Our Way to Mars
Matt, Kevin, and Stephen don their student hats once again to talk Dan Ariely, education, and soft colonialism… on the way to Mars!
Episode 130: High Framerate Train Wreck
WOW! Another year is upon us. The world didn’t end in 2012, even though it gave us an extra day to contemplate our doom. So once again we’re back for our annual retrospective / prediction-fest. Kevin joined me to welcome newcomer and fellow philosopher Oso Perez to the show. This episode may not shock you, but it might move you to reflect, resolve, and predict a bit for yourself. Leave your own New Years thoughts in the comments! Hope y’all enjoy our first episode of 2013…
Episode 129: Poddly-Woddly
Is Doctor Who a religion? Kevin and Stephen respond to Idea Channel and ruminate on Facebook, memory and identity
Episode 128: Shoefoot
When James Bond isn’t busy fighting himself nowadays, he’s busy being the blandest (or the boldest) he’s ever been in the franchise. But how much “Bond” is too much for Bond? If the last 50 years have shown us anything, it’s that the perfect mix of Bond-i-ness may be more complex than shaking a martini. After seeing the unfortunately-named Skyfall, Kevin and I had some thoughts to share on this beloved series. So put on your best suit and hop in an Aston Martin, it’s time for some Philosophy. Bad Philosophy.