The Bad Philosophers share their (non-apocalyptic) predictions for 2012 and beyond over some delicious beer.
Tag Archive > Battlestar Galactica
Episode 053: Kevin Squared
First off, I would like to express my apologies for the lack of WIN here recently on BF. We are college students after all, with all the lack of sleep, homework, and other rigmarole that entails. BUT we’re back for another episode, though the relevance is about a week late. If you’ve been following Dollhouse, […]
Episode 035: Intellectual Hedonism
Why are we here? What’s this all about? What is my purpose? What is yours? Is there even one at all? These are easy questions to ask, but answering them is a whole different story. Wolfram Alpha has one idea. We’ve got some others.
Episode 020: Library Nurse Curses
We’re in a crisis today, peeps. Healthcare in the United States is whack, and everybody’s got a plan to fix it. We may not be Obama’s advisory board, but we’ll be darned if BF is gonna sit on the sidelines for this most relevant of issues. Numero Uno fanboy Jediah Cummins joined us for his first appearance alongside Matt Legler (and LO, the universe did NOT explode!). We had our crazy awesome microphone setup going once again, so hold onto your W2 form, strap on a heart monitor, and take a speed-of-light tour on the healthcare freeway – BF style!