15 December 2009
By StephenTorrence
In Podcast
First off, I would like to express my apologies for the lack of WIN here recently on BF. We are college students after all, with all the lack of sleep, homework, and other rigmarole that entails. BUT we’re back for another episode, though the relevance is about a week late. If you’ve been following Dollhouse, […]
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alternate reality game, Battlestar Galactica, Dollhouse, Dr. Horrible, Eliza Dushku, Enver Gjokaj, Family Guy, Firefly, FOX, Futurama, Jonathan Frakes, Joss Whedon, Kevin, Kevin Miller, Skype, spoiler alert, Summer Glau, Terminator: The Sarah Conner Chronicles, The Simpsons, webisodes, Windows 7, XKCD, XKCD Sucks
28 November 2009
By StephenTorrence
In Podcast
Have you ever been sitting in a horror movie and right after that moment when the bad guy leaps out and you spring about four inches off your seat, turned to yourself and gone “Why did I do that? I know this isn’t real.” If so, then you’ve most definitely experienced the Paradox of Fiction. […]
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aesthetics, Batman, belief, Blair Witch Project, children, Cloverfield, Colin Radford, comics, Dan Arieli, Dr. Hick, emotion, epistemology, fear, fiction, Gran Torino, Guitar Hero, Harry Potter, Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, horror, Jackie Chan, Kevin, make-believe, meta, Michael Myers, movies, paradox of fiction, Plato, Predictably Irrational, rationality, Saturday Night Live, Saw, sharks, Sherlock Holmes, Stephen, Superman, theatre, zombies
07 November 2009
By StephenTorrence
In Podcast
It’s easy to take our perceptions for granted. Colors, shapes, smells, and so forth are for the most part universal. But some people have this kickass condition called synesthesia, where their wires get crossed and their perceptions get… interesting. BF was privileged to get a man who sees letters and numbers as colors on the […]
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alphabet, Aristotle, biochemistry, color, Cyrillic, disabilities, Dr. Webb, drugs, dyslexia, geometry, Google, Greek, Jediah, kanji, Kevin, Office Space, philosophy of mind, Sanskrit, Shawn, Stephen, suicide, Swingline, synesthesia, The Giver, The Man Who Tasted Shapes, theology, wavelength
05 November 2009
By StephenTorrence
In Podcast
Can you believe it? Fifty episodes! FIVE OH! Well… that is if you sorta count Episode Zero, don’t count the Lost Episode, count Episode 21b as Episode 21, count Episode 42b as Episode 42, count Episodes 46 and 49 even though they’re video only and… aw, screw it, just humor us, okay? So in homage […]
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balloon boy, blogging, Bryan M, consciousness, CPR, David, Dungeons and Dragons, Ender's Game, error reporting, Facebook, First Amendment, Freebirds, Google Wave, Homeward Bound, Hot Pockets, Hot Topic, Jerry Seinfeld, Jim Gaffigan, John Stuart Mill, Katie, Kevin, Matt, metaphysics, Michael A, Microsoft, Milo and Otis, Monty Python, music, mustaches, MythBusters, Nightmare Before Christmas, Penny Arcade, physics, programming, radio, Saturday Night Live, Speaker for the Dead, statistics, Stephen, time, Twitter, Weekend Update, Wikipedia
05 November 2009
By StephenTorrence
In Podcast
As you long-time listeners no doubt know, we here at BF are prone to technical issues like a pigeon is prone to relieving himself on cars – we do it randomly, completely without intention, and ultimately everyone ends up various degrees of pissed. Well… that happened a couple of weeks ago when Jed, Kevin, and […]
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Jediah, Kevin, Kevin Mitnick, Kevin Rose, social engineering, Stephen