Over the last couple of weeks we’ve lost a lot of celebrities–Michael Jackson, Farrah Fawcett, even Billy Mays. It’s been tragic, but it got us here at BF thinking… what will happen to our social graphs when we pass on? We decided to answer this pressing question in possibly our most daring setup ever; inside […]
Tag Archive > Twitter
Weekly Why 006: Live on Stage
Every once in a while you get to do something truly extraordinary. You make a video, a rock star picks it up, one thing leads to another and the next thing you know you’re on stage with said rock star. In this special BF Kevin, his sister Kat and I discuss our thoughts on getting […]
Episode 032: We Love the Future
It was supposed to be the wave of the future, so what happened? Why aren’t we all living in holodecks already? And where’s my virtual haircut? We’ll try to answer all this and more before the singularity hits, so strap in and have a listen!
Episode 031: Farewell to a Legend
Joining us for Kevin’s last live episode was Bryan Mitchell and Numero Uno Fanboy Jed Cummins. We had some audio woes (read: Bryan turned his microphone off) and video stream woes that ruined the opening bit, but through the magic of GarageBand I have made all right with the world. We talked Dollhouse, philosophy of mind, and Swine Flu, leading Kevin to do a classic rant on politics. Relish this episode, everyone, it’s special…
Episode 027: It’s Gonna Be a Shaving Thing
Progress is a tricky thing. It doesn’t always go like you think it should. Sometimes the days are Blue and Sunny, sometimes things blow up in your face, and sometimes you just have to put yourself out there and let it happen. What I’m trying to say is, of course, that BF had an AWESOME […]