07 March 2012
By StephenTorrence
In Podcast
New guests Brian Morgan and Ryan Usher join the Bad Philosophers to talk Santorum, politics, and QUILTBAGs.
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2012 Election, Aaron Sorkin, atheism, Barack Obama, Brian Morgan, Christianity, class warfare, college, culture, culture war, cynicism, Dan Savage, dance, Democrat, education, elections, feminism, film, First Amendment, FOX News, Frank Luntz, Grand Ayatolla Ali Khamenei, Greek philosophy, homosexuality, Howard Dean, intelligent design, Iran, John Edwards, John Kerry, Justice Party, Karl Rove, Kitzmiller v. Dover, Liberalism, Libertarian, Lutherans, Mad Max, memes, Mitt Romney, Mormonism, Neil Degrasse-Tyson, NPR, politics, President Obama, President of the United States, psychology, Queer Eye for the Straight Guy, QUILTBAG, Ralph Nader, rational anarchy, religion, religious right, Republican, Rick Perry, Rick Santorum, Rocky Anderson, Ron Paul, Ryan Usher, sirens, socialism, Star Wars, textbooks, texting, The Daily Show, The Odyssey, The Partially Examined Life, The Stranger, The West Wing, This American Life, United States, University of Washington, women
22 February 2012
By StephenTorrence
In Podcast
The Bad Philosophers tackle education once again. Can Ken Robinson, Montessori schools, and John Dortmunder save the day?
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beer, Columbia, Columbus Day, Dan Brown, dinosaurs, Double Fine, education, enlightenment, games, high school, Horace Greeley, Horace Mann, Jon Dortmunder, Jon Stewart, Jonathan Larson, Kevin, kindergarten, Liam Neeson, Merrells, Montessori, Museum of Computer Culture, NPR, Patrick Stewart, Paulo Freire, Pedagogy of the Oppressed, Planet Money, Rent, RSA Animate, Shawn, Shiner Dortmunder, Sir Ken Robinson, Slings and Arrows, Sloyd, spoiler wars, standardized testing, Stephen, Stephen Pinker, synesthesia, Texas Education Agency, This American Life, United States, Wikipedia
01 November 2011
By StephenTorrence
In Podcast
Kevin and Stephen critique the nature of work from first principles and rip capitalism a new one.
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benefits, Boing Boing, Bureau of Labor Statistics, bureaucracy, capitalism, Cillian Murphy, communism, corporations, corporatism, economics, education, employment, gift economy, health insurance, Hyperbole and a Half, illegal immigration, Jerry Pournelle, Joel Olsteen, Joshua Glenn, Kevin, love, MacBeth, Mark Kingwell, Marxism, migrant work, minimum wage, neo-Marxism, personal identity, price fixing, Reading Rainbow, religion, slavery, Stephen, stock options, Tales of the Golden Clipper, teachers, telepathy, Texas Roller Derby, theatre, trust, TSA, United States, value, wage slavery, wages, work
02 September 2011
By StephenTorrence
In Podcast
Kevin, Kiki, and Stephen go totally random, rabbit-trailing off wacky phrases in the final double-digit BF.
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Abercrombie & Fitch, Bruce Willis, Cake, Cars, Christina Ricci, Clint Eastwood, Colt Jackson, consciousness, death, Dethklok, Dexter, Disney, education, Foursquare, heaven, Internet regulation, Islam, Jason Statham, Jersey Shore, Jet Li, Kenny vs. Spenny, Kevin, Kiki, Kurt Vonnegut, Las Vegas, Law and Order, Lolita, Lucha Libre, Miss Piggy, Mole Day, Monkey Shines, moving, Nacho Libre, Now And Then, Of Montreal, Owen Wilson, PatrĂ³n, Pi Day, porn, random phrase, repo men, Rocky Horror Picture Show, Slaughterhouse 5, Star Trek, steampunk, Stephen, Talking Heads, Tenacious D, Texas Tech University, The Beatles, The Crash Test Dummies, The Enforcer, The Jonas Brothers, The Killers, The Sex Pistols, The Who, The Wire, Tiny Tower, Torchwood, Ty Pennington, vampires, Windham Hill, Woot!, World War II
30 August 2011
By StephenTorrence
In Podcast
Is etiquette due for a scientific overhaul? Kevin, Eric, and Stephen downed some cookies, beer, and pizza this episode to find out. You’re welcome.
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America, Brave New World, cannibalism, civilization, code, cognitive science, Coke, communication, conflict, copyright, culture, education, Emily Post, Eric, ethics, etiquette, Google, Karl Schroeder, Kevin, law, Miss Manners, morality, National Instruments, NOVA, objectivism, Pabst Blue Ribbon, physics, programming, progress, quantum physics, racism, Schrodinger's Cat, secular humanism, soda, Stephen, technology, trademark, Xerox