29 October 2008
By StephenTorrence
In Weekly Why
Every once in a while, people come together for an event spontaneously, forming a community of like minds that lives, breathes, and functions like a full-fledged village. This week, leading up to the epic college football match-up between Texas Tech University and the University of Texas, Bad Philosophy will follow the development of just such […]
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college, football, Kimberly, Matt, Michael, RaiderVille, Stephen, tents, Texas Tech University, University of Texas
29 October 2008
By StephenTorrence
In Podcast
This week on Bad Philosophy we tackle the age-old question: if one does not like America, should they move to Canada? I mean, what could be better than free health care and all the moose meat you can eat, right? Austin Fielding joins us for the first time, making it our largest panel ever (five, […]
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2008 election, 24-hour news, Abraham Lincoln, Afghanistan, Alaska, Austin, Barack Obama, Bob Barr, Canada, CCTV cameras, chiropractic, Chuck Norris, corruption, Cory Doctorow, crime, democracy, Dennis Kucinich, Digg, economy, education, England, Enron, fast food, Frank Caliendo, Franklin Roosevelt, gas, George Washington, Godwin's Law, gold standard, Google, government, healthcare, Hulu, Iraq, John Kennedy, John McCain, Kevin, Kimberly, language, libertarianism, Matt, meta, Mike Huckabee, monarchy, moose, nuns, obesity, parliament, political parties, politics, presidency, revolution, Richard Nixon, Risk, Ron Paul, Saturday Night Live, socialism, Star Wars, Stephen, stonehenge, The Internet, Tina Fey, voting, war, XKCD
25 October 2008
By StephenTorrence
In Podcast
A friend of a friend told me that if you listen to Bad Philosophy on a Microsoft Zune while preparing a Hot Pocket, the microwaves resonate with the current in the headphone wires and cause your ears to secrete Jello! Really … this totally happens … … Okay, you caught us. It’s a pure urban […]
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4chan, Aristotle, Bewitched, Bill Gates, cell phones, club Luxor, conspiracy theories, Darwin's Awards, drugs, education, folk tales, George Bush, Google, government, iPhone, Jared, Jerry Seinfeld, journalism, Kevin, Kimberly, Lubbock, magic, Matt, money, Nick, PATRIOT Act, politics, possibility, radiation, revolution, Santa Claus, september 11th, Snopes, spiders, Stephen, Subway, success, tabloids, technology, The Internet, trolling, urban legends, viruses, Wal-Mart, Wikipedia
05 October 2008
By StephenTorrence
In Podcast
We’ve started it people, we really have. This time we had no idea what to talk about, so we took what is arguably the first step in the typical death throe sequence of serial entertainment: the Behind-the-Scenes Show (*collective gasp!*). Before you know it we’ll be doing the Blooper Show, followed by the Old-Cast-Member Show, […]
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Adam Curry, airport security, bailout, blogging, Christianity, copyright, DMCA, DNA, DRM, Eric, Everyman, gene therapy, iTunes, Jurassic Park, Kevin, Kleenex, Leo Laporte, Matt, meta, Norway, patent, podcasting, radio, Rush Limbaugh, society, South Park, Stephen, The Corporation, TWaTT, TWiT, wiretapping
28 September 2008
By StephenTorrence
In Podcast
Why do bad things happen to good people? Do cheaters ever prosper? And what the heck does it mean to “leverage excellence” anyway? We’re not quite sure, but apparently it has something to do with setting baby deer on fire, Ray Kurzweil, and slurpees. Eminent Texas Tech philosopher, fencer, and all-around good guy Dr. Mark […]
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academia, Aristotle, Buddhism, bureaucracy, business, cheating, Christianity, computers, corruption, cryptography, Dr. Mark Webb, evolution, God, Godwin's Law, good and evil, Isaac Asimov, Judaism, Kevin, Large Hadron Collider, Lee Smolin, Matt, morality, philosophy of mind, philosophy of religion, plagiarism, problem of evil, Ray Kurzweil, Ron Paul, Rowe's Fawn, science, science fiction, society, Stephen, Texas Tech University, The Singularity, theodicy, Twitter, William Rowe