03 March 2011
By StephenTorrence
In Podcast
Imagine yourself stuck in a mine. It’s just you and two other people, and the food runs out. One of the others pulls you aside and suggests the unthinkable. You’re mortified… but that third survivor’s thighs look as tasty as a 50-piece Nugget Meal from McDonald’s. What do you do? The prospect of cannibalism continues […]
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Allan Hutcheson, animals, Apple, ASL, auto-tune, cannibalism, causation, Chad Ocho Cinco, chimpanzees, Dr. Kevorkian, England, Escape from Spiderhead, ethics, Every Which Way But Loose, evolution, facial hair, Fear Factor, firing squad, Geico, Hannibal Lector, hipsters, humanity, insects, inventions, John Hodgman, Kevin, Kiki, law, long pig, Michael Crichton, murder, numerology, Penn and Teller, PETA, separation thesis, Shake-Weight, Snuggie, songsigning, Star Wars, Stephen, Steve Jobs, survival, TED, The Star, ThinkGeek
04 February 2011
By StephenTorrence
In Podcast
President Obama’s State of the Union address? Meh. Practicing all your life one of two classical instruments because your mother says so? Snore. Ricky Gervais at the Golden Globes? F***ING AWESOME. Okay, so we couldn’t exactly hit the mediocrity hat trick. BUT on a week when Internets were down in Egypt and Chicago, sickness spread […]
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American exceptionalism, Amy Chua, AT&T, atheism, Barack Obama, Bill Corbett, CERN, China, Community, diversity, Egypt, electric cars, FermiLab, George W Bush, Golden Globes, JFK, Keith Olbermann, Kenny G, Kevin, Kevin Murphy, Kiki, Mark Zuckerberg, NASA, Neil DeGrass Tyson, parenting, piano, politics, religion, Ricky Gervais, Robert Heinlein, State of the Union, Stephen, Texas Tech University, They Might Be Giants, Twitter, Uverse, violin, Wall Street Journal, Weird Al Yankovic
19 January 2011
By StephenTorrence
In Podcast
Imagine if falling in love was as easy as taking a pill. Scary? Exciting? Kind of rad? Well, to make up for the distinct lack of anything resembling actual philosophy last week, we decided to delve straight into this and other hardcore questions, courtesy of George Saunders and his recent short story in The New […]
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Anathem, apocalypse, Battlefield Earth, brain, connectome, consequentialism, Cryptonomicon, deontology, Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?, drugs, emotion, Escape from Spiderhead, ethics, experimentation, George Saunders, harm principle, identity theory, Kevin, love, MLK Day, Neal Stephenson, Panera Bread, personal identity, phenomenology, Philip K. Dick, philosophy of mind, psychotropic drugs, Rifftrax, science, scientology, sex, Snow Crash, Stephen, The Baroque Cycle, The Giver, The New Yorker, zombies
25 December 2010
By StephenTorrence
In Podcast
It’s that time of year, everyone! Considering we’re probably already in Santa’s “Don’t bother checking this year, I already know the answer” filter for the Naughty/Nice List, we decided to kick the raunch into overdrive this fine Christmas morning. Elves taking dumps? We’ve got ’em! Dominatrix Claus? Him too! The most delicious cumshot cookie you’ve […]
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Academy Awards, Alamo Drafthouse, Apple, Audible, Bad Santa, Black Swan, caganer, Catholicism, chairs, Christmas, Clint Mansell, cookies, Darren Aronofsky, Dickerdoodle, dominatrix, eggnog, Four Loko, Frosty the Snowman, Inception, It's a Wonderful Life, Kevin, Kiki, Kinect, Krampus, Leo Laporte, lunar eclipse, MacBook Air, Mila Kunis, Monster, Mystery Science Theater 3000, Natalie Portman, National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation, nativity scene, NERF, Oscars, Penny Arcade, pi, poop, Rare Exports, Requiem for a Dream, Rifftrax, Santa Claus, Simon, Spain, Stephen, Swan Lake, tables, The Fighter, The Fountain, The Kids Are All Right, The Social Network, True Grit, Twilight, Verbaluce, Wikipedia, winter eclipse, Xbox
14 December 2010
By KevSaund
In Uncategorized
I don’t normally use this forum to review products, but I’m making an exception based on a tweet by Gordon McAlpin (@gmcalpin.) He was lamenting the number of review copies sent out of his recent book release of the first collection of strips for his webcomic Multiplex (www.multiplexcomic.com) The book is called Multiplex: Enjoy your […]
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comic, FOX News, Kevin, Left 4 Dead, Multiplex, review, video games, webcomic, zombies