Back from the dead (or so you thought!), BF is coming at you with our long-overdue ultra-cliche excessively-hyphenated Halloween episode! Our panel of friendly ghosts, including Lost Episode veteran Michael Hayslip and first-time guest but long-time #1 fan Jediah Cummins, takes a spooky ride through the cultural, historical, and religious facets of the holiday. But […]
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2008 election, Ayn Rand, Canada, candy, Catholicism, Ceres, children, chiropractic, Christianity, Christmas, classification, costumes, dating, Death of a Salesman, Dia de Los Muertos, Dr. Horrible, Easter, evangelism, faith, fear, free will, Guy Fawkes, Halloween, harvest, hell, hell house, HijiNKS Ensue, How I Met Your Mother, Hulu, Jediah, Jerry Seinfeld, Joss Whedon, Judaism, Kevin, Kids Vote, Kim Carrey, Mean Girls, Michael H, Nickelodeon, ninjas, non-conformity, paganism, planets, Pluto, polling, Portal, Pride and Prejudice, Psycho, Rocketeer, Sarah Palin, science, sluts, Snickers, Stephen, taxonomy, Thanksgiving, The Fountainhead, The Mask, The Riddler, Trick or Treat, working out, X-Men