18 August 2010
By StephenTorrence
In Podcast
For no particular reason we’ve decided to try something *BRAND NEW* on this week’s episode of Bad Philosophy. Kevin and I pulled a few articles and a comic out of the news, grabbed a couple of beers, and dove in to the stories for an hour. What came was something of a nice balance between […]
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advertising, age, Apple, babies, beer, brain, Choose Your Own Adventure, CNN, Corky's, corporatism, Dan 3.0, Dan Brown, E!, epistemology, Facebook, fate, Firefox, gay marriage, Groupon, Hank Green, homosexuality, How I Met Your Mother, Japan, Josh Stevens, Kevin, marketing, Mashable, Massachusetts, Memphis, Neil Patrick Harris, Newton, patronage, philosophy of mind, Prop 8, QuakeCon, reality TV, Red Stripe, Risk, scams, Shiner, society, Squarespace, Stephen, SubNormality, Texas, TiVo, Todd TV, TV, Ulysses, VirusComix, Will and Grace
23 January 2010
By StephenTorrence
In Podcast
Remember back when Bad Philosophy was good? Man, that show had some great moments. Recording in taco joints on a single microphone, losing episodes right and left, and always having the same people on week after week. Boy I tell ya, those were the days… Hmm? Oh yeah, description! This week we decided to talk […]
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8-bit, 9/11, Adventures of Pete and Pete, aesthetics, Atari 2600, Bryan M, Cash Cab, charades, childhood, chiptune music, Clarissa Explains it All, constrained creativity, Dimitri Martin, disco, Dylan Trigg, epistemology, Facebook, fallibilism, Frendle, Friendster, GameBoy, gaming, Grease, Greek, H1N1, Hegel, Hot Tub Time Machine, idealism, Kevin, Large Hadron Collider, Leave it to Beaver, Macintosh, Megaman, memory, Michael Jackson, middle ages, muscle cars, NES, New York City, Nintendo 64, nostalgia, phenomenology, pictionary, progress, psychology, rationality, Reading Rainbow, renaissance fair, retro, ruin, Stephen, StrengthsQuest, structuralism, swine flu, telephone, The Hangover, The Magic School Bus, the plague, time, Twitter, XKCD
14 January 2010
By StephenTorrence
In Podcast
I know, I know… I was horribly late with the editing on this one, but I swear that two weeks ago we recorded a new BF on the first day of the new decade! This one was a pretty straightforward retrospective, but the first time we actually had an episode one year ago that we […]
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2010, 2012, Apple, AT&T, automated cars, bittorrent, cloud computing, Cory Doctorow, Dollhouse, economy, Facebook, Flickr, Ford SYNC, Foursquare, Google, Gowalla, GPS, Hulu, iGuide, iPhone, IPTV, Iraq, iRobot, iSlate, iTunes, Joss Whedon, Kevin, Korea, Large Hadron Collider, Matt, Microsoft, Mike Leach, Milk, Minority Report, MySpace, New York City, recession, RFID, Rotten Tomatoes, SkyNet, social media, Stephen, tablet, Terminator, Texas Tech University, texting, The Jetsons, The Pirate Bay, Total Recall, Twitter, underwear, VH1, Windows 7, Wolverine, Yahoo!, year
05 November 2009
By StephenTorrence
In Podcast
Can you believe it? Fifty episodes! FIVE OH! Well… that is if you sorta count Episode Zero, don’t count the Lost Episode, count Episode 21b as Episode 21, count Episode 42b as Episode 42, count Episodes 46 and 49 even though they’re video only and… aw, screw it, just humor us, okay? So in homage […]
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balloon boy, blogging, Bryan M, consciousness, CPR, David, Dungeons and Dragons, Ender's Game, error reporting, Facebook, First Amendment, Freebirds, Google Wave, Homeward Bound, Hot Pockets, Hot Topic, Jerry Seinfeld, Jim Gaffigan, John Stuart Mill, Katie, Kevin, Matt, metaphysics, Michael A, Microsoft, Milo and Otis, Monty Python, music, mustaches, MythBusters, Nightmare Before Christmas, Penny Arcade, physics, programming, radio, Saturday Night Live, Speaker for the Dead, statistics, Stephen, time, Twitter, Weekend Update, Wikipedia
06 October 2009
By StephenTorrence
In Podcast
Input, Achiever, Restorative, Deliberative… to many these are but a few odd-sounding words, but to those of us here at BF they are the vocabulary of success and self-knowledge itself. They are Strengths, as defined by the Gallup Organization’s StrengthsFinder assessment. This past weekend Jay Killough of Texas Tech University Career Services joined us to […]
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beer, Chip Anderson, Don Clifton, Facebook, Gallup, hope, horoscopes, Jay Killough, Jediah, Kevin, Martin Siligman, mathematics, nature, Ning, nurture, Plato, psychology, Punk IPA, Rackspace, skill, sociology, Socrates, statistics, Stephen, StrengthsQuest, success, talent, Texas Tech University, Warren Ellis, weakness