In case you haven’t heard, Charlie Sheen has been #WINNING lately. Or so he claims, at least. For some people, “winning” is banging 7-gram rocks with porn stars in a hotel room. For others, it’s resurrecting an ancient brand with crazy new products through the power of pop music. For us on BF, it’s getting […]
Archive > 2011
Episode 085: Three Long Pigs
Imagine yourself stuck in a mine. It’s just you and two other people, and the food runs out. One of the others pulls you aside and suggests the unthinkable. You’re mortified… but that third survivor’s thighs look as tasty as a 50-piece Nugget Meal from McDonald’s. What do you do? The prospect of cannibalism continues […]
Episode 084: Safe for Work
Ever get the feeling that society is holding you back? Like a ball and chain are just wrapped around your ankles, and if you could only break free and be your own person, the world would miraculously become your sandbox? Well according to Ayn Rand, that ball and chain are nothing more than your own […]
Episode 083: An Unexceptional Episode
President Obama’s State of the Union address? Meh. Practicing all your life one of two classical instruments because your mother says so? Snore. Ricky Gervais at the Golden Globes? F***ING AWESOME. Okay, so we couldn’t exactly hit the mediocrity hat trick. BUT on a week when Internets were down in Egypt and Chicago, sickness spread […]
Episode 082: Saunders on Saunders
Imagine if falling in love was as easy as taking a pill. Scary? Exciting? Kind of rad? Well, to make up for the distinct lack of anything resembling actual philosophy last week, we decided to delve straight into this and other hardcore questions, courtesy of George Saunders and his recent short story in The New […]