How My ASL Songs Work

Unless you’ve been living under a rock so heavy that not even God could lift it, you most likely know that I like to sing with my hands on occasion, and that Kevin and I have sung with our hands on stage with Jonathan Coulton. Well, if you’ve ever wanted to know more about my ASL videos, today’s your lucky day.

Recently Tracy Wilson from‘s interviewed me for her FanStuff blog. The interview is in two parts and includes some video clips of yours truly interspersed with the best account of my ASL song hobby that’s ever graced the Interwebs.

Head on over and read it now!

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2 Comments on "How My ASL Songs Work"

  1. sempertrey
    02/09/2009 at 7:48 pm Permalink

    Hey guys,
    I was recently elected as the Scribo (a.k.a. Journalist) for my schools JCL club. As my first addition to our online newsletter, I added a non-Latin related section in order to spread the news about things that I and my peers are interested in that most people haven’t heard about. My first post is about you guys, and hopefully it will take off and my school will get addicted just like I am!

    Here’s a link to the article:

    Numero Dos Fanboy
    Trey a.k.a. sempertrey


  1. [...] There is more about the ASL video project at his blog Bad Philosophy [...]

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