19 November 2008
By StephenTorrence
In Announcements
As we mentioned in our last episode, this Friday will be a special day for BF. We’ve gotten our shiny new mixer in, and I have confirmed that it does indeed facilitate our recording process better than the 1945 telephone + Kazoo configuration I had also considered. As a special treat for you fans who […]
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Dr. Mark Webb, Stickam
18 November 2008
By StephenTorrence
In Podcast
As Oscar Wilde once said, “The best laid plans of mice and men often go to EPIC FAIL.” Such was our experience this past Friday, as guest after guest bailed on us and we exhausted our respective phone books and Facebook friend lists trying to procure a replacement. Ultimately, we ended up with Hayslip again, […]
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2008 election, advertising, Albuquerque, Austin, Barack Obama, BFG 9000, binary, Cafe Press, Canada, Doom, Flickr, FriendFeed, girls, Harvey Firestien, HDMI, Hillary Clinton, homosexuality, Idiocracy, IP addresses, iTunes, Jeff Pratt, John C Dvorak, John Locke, Kevin, Lubbock, Lulu, Matt, meta, Michael H, Monoprice.com, Murray Hall, Oklahoma!, Rene Descartes, Robert Heron, Rock Band, Scott eVest, shipping, Stephen, swag, tater tots, Texas Tech University, Thomas Edison, tumbleweeds, TWiT, UPS, Veronica Belmont, viral, YouTube
09 November 2008
By StephenTorrence
In Podcast
Back from the dead (or so you thought!), BF is coming at you with our long-overdue ultra-cliche excessively-hyphenated Halloween episode! Our panel of friendly ghosts, including Lost Episode veteran Michael Hayslip and first-time guest but long-time #1 fan Jediah Cummins, takes a spooky ride through the cultural, historical, and religious facets of the holiday. But […]
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2008 election, Ayn Rand, Canada, candy, Catholicism, Ceres, children, chiropractic, Christianity, Christmas, classification, costumes, dating, Death of a Salesman, Dia de Los Muertos, Dr. Horrible, Easter, evangelism, faith, fear, free will, Guy Fawkes, Halloween, harvest, hell, hell house, HijiNKS Ensue, How I Met Your Mother, Hulu, Jediah, Jerry Seinfeld, Joss Whedon, Judaism, Kevin, Kids Vote, Kim Carrey, Mean Girls, Michael H, Nickelodeon, ninjas, non-conformity, paganism, planets, Pluto, polling, Portal, Pride and Prejudice, Psycho, Rocketeer, Sarah Palin, science, sluts, Snickers, Stephen, taxonomy, Thanksgiving, The Fountainhead, The Mask, The Riddler, Trick or Treat, working out, X-Men
01 November 2008
By StephenTorrence
In Weekly Why
This is it! ESPN Game Day is here in Lubbock, TX and we here at Bad Philosophy are pleased to bring you this final chapter in the RaiderVille Diaries series from the line outside Jones AT&T Stadium. We’ve stuck it out, we’ve done the hours, and the moment of reckoning is upon. Tech alumni Jeff […]
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alumni, college, ESPN, football, Ghost Hunters, Jediah, Jeff Pratt, Kimberly, Lubbock, marriage, Matt, Microsoft, Murdough Hall, RaiderVille, Sci-Fi Channel, snow, Stephen, Texas Tech University, University of Texas
30 October 2008
By StephenTorrence
In Weekly Why
We’re back for the second installment of the RaiderVille Diaries, joined this time by yet another first-time guest, Lexi Ellis. We managed to cram four people into the midget tent and muse about the social dynamics of the growing community, authority, lawlessness, and such. The party’s going strong and there are still two days to […]
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alcohol, anarchy, authoritarianism, college, ESPN, food, football, Kevin, law, Lexi, magic, Matt, Microsoft, Mike Leach, monarchy, nepotism, prostitution, RaiderVille, Risk, Rock Band, society, Stephen, tents, Texas Tech University, The Incredibles, University of Texas, Wild West, Woodstrock