New guests Brian Morgan and Ryan Usher join the Bad Philosophers to talk Santorum, politics, and QUILTBAGs.
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2012 Election, Aaron Sorkin, atheism, Barack Obama, Brian Morgan, Christianity, class warfare, college, culture, culture war, cynicism, Dan Savage, dance, Democrat, education, elections, feminism, film, First Amendment, FOX News, Frank Luntz, Grand Ayatolla Ali Khamenei, Greek philosophy, homosexuality, Howard Dean, intelligent design, Iran, John Edwards, John Kerry, Justice Party, Karl Rove, Kitzmiller v. Dover, Liberalism, Libertarian, Lutherans, Mad Max, memes, Mitt Romney, Mormonism, Neil Degrasse-Tyson, NPR, politics, President Obama, President of the United States, psychology, Queer Eye for the Straight Guy, QUILTBAG, Ralph Nader, rational anarchy, religion, religious right, Republican, Rick Perry, Rick Santorum, Rocky Anderson, Ron Paul, Ryan Usher, sirens, socialism, Star Wars, textbooks, texting, The Daily Show, The Odyssey, The Partially Examined Life, The Stranger, The West Wing, This American Life, United States, University of Washington, women