13 October 2013
By StephenTorrence
In Podcast
Kevin and Stephen scream their way through the spectacular new film Gravity, and miraculously return to earth to discuss it.
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2001: A Space Odyssey, Alfonso Cuaron, Apollo 13, Avatar, Castaway, Children of Men, District 9, Doom, Elysium, film, George Clooney, gravity, Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban, Hollywood, IMAX, Kevin, Metacritic, Moon Landings, NASA, Neill Blomkamp, Nickelodeon, Penny Arcade, Phil Phish, physics, Prometheus, Rotten Tomatoes, Sandra Bullock, science fiction, space, Stanley Kubrick, Stephen, Stephen King, The Plant, The Shining, The Tomorrow People, transhumanism, visual effects
30 December 2012
By StephenTorrence
In Podcast
Is Doctor Who a religion? Kevin and Stephen respond to Idea Channel and ruminate on Facebook, memory and identity
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atheism, authenticity, censorship, Christianity, Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster, cosmology, David Tennant, definition, Doctor Who, Emile Durkheim, Facebook, history, identity, Instagram, journalism, Kevin, Matt Smith, memory, My Little Pony, obscenity, Pastafarianism, PBS Idea Channel, poststructuralism, PRI, Prometheus, radio, RadioLab, religion, religious exclusivism, Richard Dawkins, science, science fiction, scientology, Star Trek, Star Wars, Stephen, This American Life, truth
28 June 2012
By StephenTorrence
In Podcast
Stephen and Kevin tackle a fan’s Formspring suggestion, the frickin’ Moderny film “The Sunset Limited,” starring two stereotypes having a conversation about suicide. Hooray!
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Alien, Christianity, Cormac McCarthy, epistemology, existentialism, faith, film, God, Michael Fassbender, modernism, nihilism, No Country for Old Men, power, Prometheus, race, realism, religion, Rifftrax, Samuel L. Jackson, Star Wars, statism, stereotypes, suicide, The Sunset Limited, theatre, Tommy Lee Jones, TV Tropes