09 October 2011
By StephenTorrence
In Podcast
The human race lost one of its finest this past Wednesday, as Steve Jobs passed away at the age of 56. All of us here at BF had opinions to share on the man in the black turtleneck, so Kevin, Jed, Simon, KikiĀ and I gathered together for our first live-streamed episode in quite some time. […]
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Apple, Bill Gates, computers, DOS, IBM, iMac, iPhone, iPod, iWebcamera, Jediah, John Lassater, Kevin, Kiki, Linus Torvalds, Linux, Live, Macintosh, Newton, Pabst Blue Ribbon, PC, Pirates of Silicon Valley, Pixar, Simon, Stephen, Steve Jobs, Steve Wozniak, This Week in Tech, Thomas Edison, TWiT, Twitter, UNIX, Xeni Jardin
18 November 2008
By StephenTorrence
In Podcast
As Oscar Wilde once said, “The best laid plans of mice and men often go to EPIC FAIL.” Such was our experience this past Friday, as guest after guest bailed on us and we exhausted our respective phone books and Facebook friend lists trying to procure a replacement. Ultimately, we ended up with Hayslip again, […]
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2008 election, advertising, Albuquerque, Austin, Barack Obama, BFG 9000, binary, Cafe Press, Canada, Doom, Flickr, FriendFeed, girls, Harvey Firestien, HDMI, Hillary Clinton, homosexuality, Idiocracy, IP addresses, iTunes, Jeff Pratt, John C Dvorak, John Locke, Kevin, Lubbock, Lulu, Matt, meta, Michael H, Monoprice.com, Murray Hall, Oklahoma!, Rene Descartes, Robert Heron, Rock Band, Scott eVest, shipping, Stephen, swag, tater tots, Texas Tech University, Thomas Edison, tumbleweeds, TWiT, UPS, Veronica Belmont, viral, YouTube