07 September 2011
By StephenTorrence
In Podcast
The original BF cast returns to celebrate 100 episodes and three years of Bad Philosophy, talking free speech and a whole lot of nostalgia.
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1st Amendment, Alias, AnimeFest, Anonymous, BART, Bay Area Rapid Transit, C-SPAN, censorship, David, free speech, Freebirds, government, J. J. Abrams, Kent State Massacre, Kevin, mathematics, Matt, physics, police, protests, social media, Stephen, Texas Tech University, This Week at Texas Tech, wiretapping
02 September 2011
By StephenTorrence
In Podcast
Kevin, Kiki, and Stephen go totally random, rabbit-trailing off wacky phrases in the final double-digit BF.
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Abercrombie & Fitch, Bruce Willis, Cake, Cars, Christina Ricci, Clint Eastwood, Colt Jackson, consciousness, death, Dethklok, Dexter, Disney, education, Foursquare, heaven, Internet regulation, Islam, Jason Statham, Jersey Shore, Jet Li, Kenny vs. Spenny, Kevin, Kiki, Kurt Vonnegut, Las Vegas, Law and Order, Lolita, Lucha Libre, Miss Piggy, Mole Day, Monkey Shines, moving, Nacho Libre, Now And Then, Of Montreal, Owen Wilson, PatrĂ³n, Pi Day, porn, random phrase, repo men, Rocky Horror Picture Show, Slaughterhouse 5, Star Trek, steampunk, Stephen, Talking Heads, Tenacious D, Texas Tech University, The Beatles, The Crash Test Dummies, The Enforcer, The Jonas Brothers, The Killers, The Sex Pistols, The Who, The Wire, Tiny Tower, Torchwood, Ty Pennington, vampires, Windham Hill, Woot!, World War II
30 August 2011
By StephenTorrence
In Podcast
Is etiquette due for a scientific overhaul? Kevin, Eric, and Stephen downed some cookies, beer, and pizza this episode to find out. You’re welcome.
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America, Brave New World, cannibalism, civilization, code, cognitive science, Coke, communication, conflict, copyright, culture, education, Emily Post, Eric, ethics, etiquette, Google, Karl Schroeder, Kevin, law, Miss Manners, morality, National Instruments, NOVA, objectivism, Pabst Blue Ribbon, physics, programming, progress, quantum physics, racism, Schrodinger's Cat, secular humanism, soda, Stephen, technology, trademark, Xerox
21 August 2011
By StephenTorrence
In Podcast
Take a moment to picture something that truly, deeply disgusts you; that photo in the lobby of your doctor’s office, rubbing felt the wrong direction, your own face in the mirror every morning… y’know, that sorta stuff. As it turns out, people get disgusted by relatively similar things, at least according to a couple of […]
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aliens, alternate reality games, Battleship, Boing Boing, death, disease, disgust, dolphins, food, free will, Greek, hagfish, iLoveBees, Julie, Kevin, kosher, language, Liam Neeson, Malaysia, MythBusters, pirates, radio drama, sex, South Korea, Stephen, Taken, World War Z, zombies
15 August 2011
By StephenTorrence
In Podcast
Ever get the urge to just go out with a few friends and completely wreck your entire neighborhood, steal some crap, and set it all on fire when you’re done? No? Congratulations! You may not be among the 11,000 feral, uneducated, illiterate, uncultured under-citizens of the U.K. who took part in the country’s worst riots […]
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anarchy, causality, crime, David Cameron, determination, drugs, economics, England Riots, entitlement, Fresh Prince of Bel Air, Growing Pains, harm principle, John Stuart Mill, Kevin, London, marijuana, Max Hastings, morality, paternalism, police, poverty, race relations, rational anarchy, riots, Saved By The Bell, social services, speed, Stephen, Tottenham, U-Box, UK Riots, United Kingdom, V for Vendetta, Wayne Rooney, Will Smith