Weekly Why 012: Radiolab is Scared of Poststructuralism

Okay, granted, it’s been a very long time since our last “Weekly Why.” They are not weekly, nor do they even strictly deal with explanations, questions, or anything that might involve “why.” Even the index number “12” is not entirely accurate (there have been a few discarded potential Weekly Why’s since 008, if you’re curious). Put simply, the Weekly Why is just our way to share super rabbit trail content that didn’t make it into a main episode (and bring up our episode/month* count a little). This time around Kevin had some critical thoughts regarding the very nature of the popular podcast / radio program Radiolab, in particular their unwillingness to dive deep into the issue of truth itself, even when they come face-to-face with it. Have a listen!

*Speaking of episodes per month, you might recall that in a recent episode we challenged YOU, our listeners, to graph the frequency of our episodes since beginning the podcast over 4 years ago. Well, New Zealand economic analyst Stephen Hoskin put his skills to the task and sent us this very informative / sobering chart shortly thereafter:

Episodes / Month of Bad Philosophy

BF Episodes / Month (Credit: Stephen Hoskins)

In our defense, this *technically* graphs posts per monthincluding updates on the Wiki, merchandise, and such from the early days. Still, I’m sure the two are strongly correlated. Whichever way you slice it, we clearly need to get our butts in gear.

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